From our families
From Alex
From Alex *
I sought out Belinda and her team for my 3rd homebirth. What initially drew me to Belinda was her deep wisdom, confidence and evident love for mothers, babies and birth work. She is a midwife at her core and I felt honored to be on the receiving end of her gifted abilities.
Belinda and her assistant Kenna have such a harmonious and in sync dynamic as well. Kenna brings a special sense of peace and unwavering support to families. I couldn't have dreamed up a better team.
Each prenatal visit is balanced with professional care and building of the relationship. I would bring my 2 year old daughter with me to appointments and they were always quick to include her and make her feel special.
I really appreciated Belinda's knowledge of herbal medicine during my pregnancy as well. This was a great additional resource. Home births require you to make a lot of decisions that the medical setting would otherwise make for you. When it came time to make these decisions, Belinda was so helpful in making sure I was as informed as I could be and supported whatever decision I chose to make.
Postpartum care was very important to me this time around. Kenna and Belinda helped make my postpartum recovery the best yet. They were quick to provide gentle check in's on how I was doing emotionally and mentally, they offered comfort support, answered all my questions and gave me space to process this new change.
I felt so deeply seen, loved and cared for during my time with Bear Root Midwifery. It was magical and I would choose this team over and over again.

From Tiffany
Belinda has been there for all three of my babies births, 2 pregnancies have been with her at Bear Root Midwifery. She offers guidance and expertise all the while honoring a woman’s intuition and supports her to experience birth her way. I’ve felt safe and loved for all my births and never rushed, Belinda honors the instinctual process of undisturbed birth. For my third birth it went on quite longer than I expected and Kenna gave me amazing counter pressure while my husband had to step away to check on our girls. Such a special experience to feel so cared for at home during my most vulnerable time. Belinda and Kenna also made sure to include my 3 year old daughter through the process, completely normalizing birth in her eyes and we had the most beautiful transition to a family of 5. Birth matters and these women just get it and will leave you on the birth high that just makes you want to experience magic all over again.

From Heidi
I met Belinda on a zoom call for our intro and even via screen, the energy I could feel of calm, steadiness, no-nonsense, compassion told me she was who I needed to help guide my baby girl into the world. For me, one of the most important things in birth was support; knowing when support means holding someone, guiding, stepping back, being hands off, encouraging, silent or lovingly firm. This is what I hoped for when I was envisioning my homebirth so that it could be a healing from my past birthing experience and empowering in reconnecting to myself. I got that with Belinda.
She gave guidance when needed, encouraged me to trust my body and my own intuition and I had a birth that was healing, empowering and brought my family together in so many ways. I am thankful for a provider that doesn't see you as a chart number, that builds trust and can offer holistic and herbal treatment options.
Belinda has the knowledge of life, experience, education, intuition and the peace that this offered allowed me to focus on what was most important, birthing my baby.